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Key Information

About Us

We are a small rural, but very active, village primary school with a catchment of Edingley and Halam near Southwell in Nottinghamshire. We also welcome children from a much wider catchment area.

We are a friendly, happy, inclusive school with a passion for encouraging our children to become independent and effective learners in all areas of their life. We deliver an engaging curriculum within a Christian ethos that is underpinned by our 5 finger Christian values.

Ofsted said ‘These are well understood by pupils and help to make the school a harmonious and inclusive place to learn’. They ensure we achieve our vision of creating a school where everyone is motivated to achieve their full potential within a Christian and caring environment. The children incorporate these values in everything they do in and around school (and when out in the community)

picture of school sign

children on school outdoor play activities

Who's Who

Role Staff Member
Executive Head Teacher Mrs A Speed
Head of School, SENDCo and Oak Class Teacher Mrs T Francis
Maple Class Teacher Miss A Long
Maple Class Teacher Mrs R Christy
Teaching Assistant  Mrs H Sissons
Cherry Class Teacher Mrs L Hammond
Teaching Assistant Mrs Wilmot


Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. Consequently, there is a purposeful atmosphere where everyone strives to do his or her best. - Ofsted

Our 5 distinctly Christian values form the basis of the school’s behaviour and reward procedures and are displayed prominently in the school. Children are taught about the Christian background to these values through class sessions and whole school collective worship.


We have mixed year groups within each class, this is dependent on numbers of pupils in each year group.

In the academic year 2024/25 our class structure is as follows:

Class Teacher
Cherry Class - Reception, Year One, Year Two Mrs Hammond
Maple Class - Year Three, Year Four Miss Long and Mrs Christy
Oak Class - Year Five, Year Six Mrs Francis

In addition, we regularly welcome a range of parents and other volunteers into the class to support the children with their learning. Do please ask your class teacher if you would like to come in and support children with activities such as reading.