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Welcome to Halam C of E Primary School’s PTFA!

As a parent or carer of a child attending this school you’ll automatically become a member of the PTFA.

What is the PTFA?

It’s the school’s Parents, Teachers and Friends Association – more than a PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) – the “Friends” bit is very important. It means that grandparents, aunts and uncles can get involved too!

What does the PTFA do?

We raise money for the school to spend on the extras or the special things that benefit all our children and that school doesn’t have the budget for. For example, in the past the PTFA has bought some extra laptops and contributed to the cost of transport for school outings.

We are excited to have a current target to work towards – a new outdoor classroom! We raise the money through a variety of activities.

What kind of activities does the PTFA put on?

Each academic year, the PTFA organises:

• School discos

• Film nights

• Christmas Fayre

• Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts

• Hampers as raffle prizes

• Summer Fete on Sports Day

We are always looking for new ideas and ways to raise money so any input and ideas are very welcome and encouraged.

As well as these events we raise money through ‘amazon smile’, through ‘Easy-Fundraising’ and also from ‘Bag 2 School’ – please read the separate leaflets about these initiatives.

What’s involved in putting on these activities?

It’s a friendly team effort, of course! The PTFA has committee members – Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Coordinators etc – who are all volunteers and who meet regularly to plan these events and activities.

We also depend on a team of parents and other friends who give up their time to volunteer and help out on the day of an event, manning the stalls, or selling raffle tickets.

How do I get involved?

You will receive letters from the PTFA in your child’s book bag and via email – about the various fundraising events and inviting you to PTFA meetings.

Just come along to a meeting and/or approach one of the PTFA committee members in the playground and/or E-mail us:

WhatsApp Group Links